There is a lot of talk about genetic modification as to how it can affect people now, but just as important is, how will it affect the future?

Impact on Disease and Medicine

Many are in support of genetic modification and believe it is going to have a significant impact on the health and wellness of mankind and play a vital role in the irradicating of some diseases and preventing others. An example of this is that many suffer with osteoarthritis hip problems, and although there are treatments for this, they are corrective rather than preventive. There are currently studies taking place to see if genetically modified cells could have an impact on this particular medical condition.

The Perception of Genetic Modification

Some believe that the tools which are becoming available now will allow scientists to be far more precise in their studies. Several stumbling blocks have to be overcome in genetic modification if it is to be widely received and accepted.

  • Fear:

At this stage of different types of genetic modification, there is still a great deal of fear: the unknown which has to be addressed. It is natural for people to be apprehensive of something new and a concept that they are not familiar with.

  • Error:

Another huge stumbling block is the trial and error stages of genetic modification. When science is discovering something new, there is always a trial and error stage, and this goes back to creating fear because the failures become the main focus.

  • Success:

When a level of success is achieved in the field of genetic modification, then it is still questioned by many. This may bring the ethics of it into play. It can then become a contention for those both for and against it.

Social Acceptability of Genetic Modification

Many people wonder if genetic modification is ever going to become totally socially acceptable, and if so when. This means those trying to determine this need to look at the five areas of potential uses for GM. These are:

  • Grain production
  • Fruit or vegetable production
  • Livestock production
  • Human medicine
  • Human health

Some studies have shown that social acceptance for GM lies within human medicine and human health. The same studies indicated that the male population is more favourable toward GM than the females. Those who have more of an understanding of genetic modification appear to be more receptive than those who do not.

This makes sense, as mentioned previously, that fear or uncertainty is more prevalent when a person is not familiar with a subject. Based on this, it would make sense for those who are in support of GM to provide more education on the subject.